
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find
all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it

The Great Rumi

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Dan Wooding

Dan Wooding is an award winning British journalist now living in Southern California with his wife Norma. He is the founder and international director of ASSIST (Aid to Special Saints in Strategic Times) and the ASSIST News Service (ANS). Wooding is the co-host of the weekly radio show, "Front Page Radio," and he also hosts the "His Channel Live," TV show that goes out via the Internet to 120 countries. "  Dan was, for ten years, a commentator, on the UPI Radio Network in Washington, DC, and is the author of 45 books. ;

A message from Dan Wooding, author of 45 books, international journalist, and host of a radio and TV show in Los Angeles:
When I was invited to join the Lotus Light Foundation by the founder Ata Servati, and received the following note (below) from him, I immediately felt that I should be part of this organization, by becoming a member of his Board of Advisors. 
Having been an international journalist and broadcaster now for more than 40 years, I have traveled the world and seen so much hatred and violence, that I could almost give up.  I have seen the dreadful killings of dictators like Idi Amin, who during his eight years of misrule in Uganda, was responsible, with his thugs, for the deaths of 500,000 people.  I even co-authored a book called “Uganda Holocaust” about what occurred there. I have reported from North Korea, where a series of tyrants have oppressed their people and put so many in concentration camps, and more recently, I was in Northern Iraq, where over a million people have been displaced because of the ISIS terror group there.
Yes, I have witnessed our human race being torn apart, but I now realize that Ata has come up with a plan which says that love is the answer, and out of all the world’s religions there was only one person who preached love.  I will let you decide who that person was!
The message of love is vital if our world is to continue and needs to be taught to today’s children, as they are a future.  I strongly believe that we all must join together to help our children understand right from wrong and what religion or ideology will serve to make them into better human beings instead of driving them into madness and anger and distractions.  After all, we must be free to choose what to believe and what not to believe.”
Here is what Ata wrote to me:
“During these challenging times globally, where bloodshed is the story of the day, we have chosen to step away from defining or aligning ourselves with any specific religion or philosophy.  In lieu of that we support the concept of love in its most broad sense.  We believe at the core of all religions is love, respect, kindness and tolerance.  With a proactive outreach to children, we have the ability to teach these basic principles of humanity without labels, without the implications of divisive man-made interpretations of religious doctrines.  Instead replace them all with one universal belief in "LOVE" which encompasses the best of all global religions. 
“Our outreach includes an open arms policy of education and a joining through the arts.  Through dance, literature, poetry, acting, directing, enabling this new generation to concentrate their mental and emotional energies to a common love of the arts, of themselves and in turn to others within their influence. Teaching them an alternative method communication and expression, without consideration of borders or the dogma of destructive belief systems. We feel a moral and ethical obligation to work to establish a new world consciousness. 
“Halting future war and destruction, truly making it a nightmare of our past, and paving the way to a loving acceptance for all human beings, initially through the eyes of our children.
“A child holding a book in his hands is less likely to hold a gun.  A child painting on a canvas with the colors of life is less like to take a life.  A child holding a camera catching the mysteries of the earth is less likely to wish to destroy it. A child whose hears and makes music will deny the sounds of pain and agony.
“We welcome the chance to further our discussion, we welcome you to The Lotus Light Foundation. Peace, Love, Ata Servati.”